Usual FAQs recieved by e-mail:

1. I was wondering how much the floor space at sport hall will cost?

Zero Kuna, Euros etc... 

2.  Do you have a map showing all the competition locations? 


3.   Do we order the Floor Space, or do we let you know by email?

There will be enough for all, just be there. 

4. Which nights can we use the floor accommodation? 

Saturday night (22.6.2019). 

5. On which bank account should i tranfer the entry fee?

Bank account;

IBAN: HR2523600001101860265

OK Međimurje
Bukovec 45
40314 Selnica (HR)

6. What is my course length and difficulty?

In this PDF document you can find estimated winning times for each foot class. (Croatian Orienteering Federation Rules).

7. We would like to arrive on Friday. Is it possible?

If you want to use the accommodation on Friday, please write us e-mail. Position of accomodation is marked in  EVENT CENTER AND ACCOMMODATION section.

Uobičajena vaša pitanja primljena mailom:

1. Kolika je cijena spavanja u školskoj dvorani?

Nula Kuna, Eura itd... 

2.  Imate li kartu koja pokazuje raspored natjecateljskih područja? 


3.   Moramo li se predbilježiti za spavanje u dvorani?

Ne, ima dovoljno mjesta samo se pojavite tamo sa vrećom za spavanje i podmetačem. 

4. Koju noć možemo koristiti dvoranu za spavanje? 

Subota noć (22.6.2019). Ukoliko trebate noćenje noć prije, obratite nam se na e-mail.

5. Na koji račun možemo uplatiti startninu?

IBAN: HR2523600001101860265

OK Međimurje
Bukovec 45
40314 Selnica (HR)

Slijedeće pitanje....


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